designing and technical consulting services in the range comprising power structures, cubature objects and power facilities
erection of new lines, modernization and repairs of existing high-voltage overhead power lines (110, 220 and 400 kV) as well as modernization and repair of existing lines
construction, modernization and repairs of 400, 220, 110 and 15 kV outdoor and indoor substations
production of lattice towers and steel structures supporting the equipment in power substations and switchgears
The ELBUD Warszawa Sp. z o.o. (Ltd.) operates design office ELBUD-PROJEKT Warszawa dealing with designing and technical consulting services in the range comprising power structures, cubature objects and power facilities.
ELBUD-PROJEKT Warszawa was founded as a result of the transformation of the design office, which had functioned within ELBUD Warszawa, into a separate company.
The range of offered services comprises:
- feasibility studies for power lines
- preparation of tender documentations
- design concepts
- construction and execution designs
- as-built documentation
- formal and legal activities related to obtaining construction permits
- supplementary design reports
- technical analysis
Many year of cooperation between ELBUD-PROJEKT and BSiPE ENERGOPROJEKT-POZNAŃ as well as the Institute of Building Engineering and the Institute of Power Engineering in Warsaw resulted, among others, in preporation of the first construction and execution design in ELBUD`s Warszawa history for the 400 kV Tarnów – Krosno Iskrzynia line.
The offered solutions in the range of construction of electrical power facilities and buildings are based on the latest technologies and take into consideration all requirements of environmental protection.
The studio is equipped with specialized computer hardware, latest software and back-up facilities, which enable us to implement various designs according to Customer`s requirements.